miércoles, 26 de diciembre de 2012

Round trip bio

Again we drill a tunnel to connect the life in Madrid and the life in New York using a plane as the stainless steel drill bit. Relatives, friends, landscapes, yesterday routines come to meet us. The city greets us at night, big and cold and familiar as a pair of shoes broken in a while ago. Resuming. Walking the streets that were the backdrop of our days with a mix of nostalgia and enthusiasm when finding everything where it belongs. Noting the small changes and thinking of the slow progress of the tectonic plates that goes unnoticed in the daily experience. Trying to concentrate into tight bubbles the moments shared with our people here to compensate, as much as possible, for the long absence. Tasting the sharp cold and the thin snow. Planning with military precision where to do lunch and dinner for the next 10 days. Showing off the child –grown, untamed, perfect…

This visit means taking a glimpse of an intimate corner of the personal history. Round trip.

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